55+ Best Rainmeter Skins Of 2023 For Windows PC/Laptop

Check out 35 best rainmeter skins of 2023. Enjoy maximum desktop customization ability with futuristic skins. Extremely powerful and top rated rainmeter skins.

People who spend most of their time using Windows desktop are always looking for opportunities to customize their Desktop look. Beautiful wallpapers, themes, and Windows skins are widely being used for this purpose. But, there’s no match to rainmeter skins. Those who’re already using it knows the power and beauty of skins offered on the rainmeter platform.

Windows OS has never-ending customization ability. Users can change invert Windows colors, use high contrast themes and so on. I’ve been using rainmeter skins from past few years. A lot of creators on Deviantart are creating and publishing skins as per people requirements.

I’ve created a list of best rainmeter skins to make it easier for you to choose from thousands of available options. This list is based on user feedbacks, skin ratings, features, etc.

Best Rainmeter Skins Of 2023

Quick Tip: You can download the RainMeter tool from here. All the important documentation and other information related to Rainmeter skins are available there.

Here are 35 best Rainmeter skins 0f 2023:

1. Gadgets Additions

Gadgets Addition is the best choice when it comes to the number of gadgets and monitoring tools. This skin provides a number of useful gadgets on our desktop.

Tools like Ping, Power, Volume etc. can be seen in the skin. People who spend most of their time in front of the screen should use Gadgets Additions skin.

There’s a beautiful gallery box in which local photos are randomly displayed. Media control tools are useful to adjust the volume and play music directly from the desktop.

rainmeter skins

Some other monitoring tools e.g CPU, RAM, VC monitoring keeps running on the background, showing real-time information about your PC.

There’s a bonus for cryptocurrency miners. Real-time updates for Bitcoins and other cryptocurrency are shown on the home screen.

2. Electronic Monitoring

Electronic Monitoring is another best Rainmeter skin featuring up to 31 designs. One of the best thing which we’ve figured out is that it gives you a futuristic look and all the data charts on one screen.

If you have the widescreen LED, then you should try this Rainmeter skin. It works best on wide screens as all the gadgets and items fit well on the screen.

However, this theme is auto-scalable. So, if you’ve low-resolution screen, this theme will still be the perfect option for you.

electronic monitoring

Up to 31-panel styles are available and this means you’ll no longer get bored of the same style.

If we talk about the tools and gadgets available in this theme, then there is almost every gadget which is useful for monitoring your system performance.

Clock, Internet Speed, Weather, CPU Speed like tools are available for your help.

3. Star Trek Theme

Star Trek Skin is the bonus thing for Star Trek Fans. Almost every one of us has watched the amazing series of Star Trek movies right!. So, why not try the Skin which is based on this movie.

Design of this theme is related to the Star Trek movie and there’s a big wallpaper representing the Space Ship.

However, this theme isn’t full of many gadgets, but indeed all the important tools are available. Weather, CPU Details, Date and time like desktop gadgets are available.

star trek rainmeter skin

Users can customize the look according to their needs. There’s much more you need to explore in this Skin which is dedicated to Star Trek fans only.

4. Walkers Join

Walkers Join skin is dedicated to Alan Walker, who’s very popular for making viral songs. If you’ve ever watched his videos, you might have seen cool text animations. If you love those text effect, then you’re also a Walker right!

This Rainmeter skin is dedicated to Walkers and gives the same exact look as we see in the video.

walkers join theme

Users can also configure the skin as per needs, and there’s an option to add Spotify. Up to 6 languages are available, and custom fonts can be added. Gadgets like Date, System Logs, Weather and Music players can be added to the desktop.

It’s immaculate, looks cool and dedicated to Walkers lovers. You should use this if looking for simple Rainmeter skins.

5. SimplePerfMeters

Simple PerfMeters is featured as a simple yet powerful option for rainmeter skins users. We can say that this can be your perfect solution for tracking your CPU performance and a bunch of other things as well.

Another cool thing is that it’s very attractive and also displays the graphs which are colored and can be customized.

bes rainmeter skins for gamers

The desktop can be filled by the bunch of gadgets like Clock, Disk Meter, Network Meter, Weather Meter and much more like that.

All the gadgets have their sub-settings, and we can tweak them as per needs. Even CPU FAN, CPU TEMP. logs like features are included. Weather gadget is quite powerful and useful to display weather statistics of multiple cities at one.

6. Information Overload

Information Overloaded is the best Rainmeter skin for gamers. Not very messy and not very simple. It’s loaded with all the tools and features which are required by the gamers to check the CPU health.

Information related to CPU FAN, MEMORY, POWER is shown on the desktop. When it comes to gaming, we indeed need a fast internet connection. So, a meter showing real-time statistics of internet speed is added to the desktop.

information overloaded skin

RAM and SWA usage monitor, plus all the DRIVES data write speed; real-time statics are shown in a clear way. If you’re a gamer, then this Skin might be your perfect simple solution to monitor the entire system as well as giving a fantastic look to the Desktop.

7. PCMonitor

PCMonitor is the simple yet informative skin which some people might fall in love with. Not all the users want a skin loaded with tools and gadgets. Most of us want a simple designed Skin with nature wallpapers right! This Rainmeter skin delivers a simple and unique interface and good performance to the users. There are 3-4 monitoring tools included in the skin.

pcmonitor rainmeter skin

The best part of this theme is that it’s simple and some wallpapers are inbuilt within the skin. As its name is PCMonitor, it delivers the best gadgets which help you to track the CPU performance.

Users can add wallpaper according to their needs. Time, weather reports are also beautifully shaped. A beautiful font is used in this skin, and there’s also an area where currently running tasks are shown.

8. Talking Headlines

Talking Headlines skin shows latest and updated news from various news feed sources. Waking up early in the morning and reading a newspaper with a cup of tea/coffee is everyone’s dream. But, not everyone has that much time in the morning (till retirement right! 😉 ) So, here’s a Rainmeter skin perfectly designed for you.

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Talking Headlines gives fresh news from over 10+ popular press feeds like BBC, ABC, CNN, Lifehacker, etc. All over the desktop, the story is listed with the proper thumbnail. The news feed is from the trusted sources. This means you’re connected with the entire world indirectly.

talking headlines

It’s an amazing skin and useful for a lot of people out there who don’t have much time to read a newspaper. We can almost stay updated with every single news using this skin.

9. Skyripper

Skyripper Rainmeter Skin is loved by thousands of people. The reason behind this is that everything is designed in a very well managed way. Not very high-tech looking graphics, which almost seems to be messy after some time, and not very normal kind of design.

It’s just perfect masterpiece which provides vast information as well as the required gadgets. Just like all other themes, there’re information tabs showing CPU usage and Disk usage.

skyripper theme

Using the Planet feature, one can see the weather on Earth Planet. It’s named very well by this Skin’s author right!

Another cool thing is the graphs shown on the desktop. These graphs give eyes catchy look to the desktop. Download this skin for free and check it out.

10. Kotoko Suite

Kotoko Suite is loaded with a bunch of tools and gadgets. Useful information is displayed on the screen, and all the gadgets are beautifully designed. The look of the desktop gets completely changed when you apply this skin to your Windows.

Important gadgets like Countdown clock, calendar, configs etc. are included. Most important this in the skin is its “EarthQuake” activity bar. It gives you every single information about the earthquake activities from all around the world.

kotoko skin suite

If we talk about design, multimedia skins are supported which pleasures you with multimedia software. As usual system logs are continuously shown just like all other skins. Download it today to figure out more.

11. Temple VR1.1

Temple VR1.1 is a masterpiece made for simplicity. People who aren’t very familiar with the overloaded Rainmeter skins should check Temple VR1.1 theme. The most important feature is the two taskbar like labels on top and bottom of the screen. Hence, there’s a lot of space to manage the icons on the desktop.

Both the taskbars are having useful tools and gadgets. Users have the ability to change color, fonts etc. and most of the things are configurable.

temple vr1

The overall look is just like a desktop screen, whose edges are loaded with useful information. It also has the bunch of other features supported by other skins e.g. information logs, CPU monitoring, etc.

12. Cycle 1.0

Cycle 1.0 will take you to old days where we are trying a lot of Nokia themes to give a dramatic and good look to our devices. It’s because the icons offered by Cycle 1.0 are very much like Nokia themes icons. We can easily assign the target applications to all these icons, and intact skin is customizable as well.cycle normal rainmeter skin

But, if you’re also gloomy icon lover, then Cycle theme is meant for you. It only adds the gloomy icons to the desktop which can be assigned to different locations.

There are 21 in total icons with different designs. You should definitely try this skin and fill your desktop with gloomy icons.

13. Injustice 2 VR1.1

Injustice 2 VR1.1 theme is built for gamers. There are the bunch of gamers out there looking for Rainmeter skins for gamers. So, here’s the solution which might be perfect for you.

This skin is based on injustice game which is quite popular game ever built. So, there’s the possibility that you’ve played any game of Injustice series.

injustice skin pc

This Rainmeter skin comes with the preloaded game wallpaper and the bunch of useful informative tools, helpful for monitoring the CPU health to ensure that you’re ready for next mission.

Different docks are introduced in the theme which is further customizable. Design of the skin is pretty much attractive and a pleasure for gamers as well.

14. CastleKeep v1.0

CastleKeep 1.0 is built for dragon theme lovers. Many of us are dragon character lovers and loves to watch dragon movies. This theme is meant for such fans.

Not only the wallpaper which comes preloaded with this theme but the icons, widgets, tools, gadgets etc. are designed accordingly.

castle keep skin

Even the section where weather statics are displayed is baked with the dragon fanciness which was filled in the creator’s mind when developing this Rainmeter skin.

We loved this theme very much and it’s designed accordingly the way a dragon theme should.

15. Car and Vehicle Tuning

Car and Vehicle Tuning skin is built for car lovers. Dozens of car wallpapers with amazing designs are available. It’s quite simple but delivers all the things and features to the users.

car and vehicle skin pc

Unlike other themes, the section where CPU statistics are shown is designed in a straightforward and attractive way. Some HD CAR wallpapers are included in the skin itself but you can download more from the author suggested websites.

16. Pyramid VR1.1

Pyramid VR1.1 is for the people who are attracted to Egypt because of its mysteries and history that speaks a lot of words on its own. If you’re one of those people who love Egypt and mysteries that are related to that place, then Pyramid VR1.1 is the Rainmeter skin built for you.

pyramid skin

It has a collection of all the amazing wallpapers that reminds you of the fantastic things about that place. In fact, not only the wallpapers but it does include widgets showing some super important information about your computer and also shows the weather statistics. A big calendar can be placed anywhere on the desktop which makes your desktop looks so cool.

Fonts used in this skin also delivers ancient feelings to the users. You should definitely download and try it.

17. DiscordLauncher v57

DiscordLauncher v57 an amazing launcher for people who want simple Rainmeter skins. In this skin, you’ll get very simple widgets on the top of the screen which shown statistics about many things going around.

discord rainmeter skin

We can even pin some useful application shortcuts on the bar which looks so attractive. It makes our way easy to launch the most useful application in one go. Weather details are shown with the next three days forecast as well.

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Usage/Load on CPU, Hard Disk, etc. are shown using graphs. Everything looks simple but super amazing and attractive. There are some inbuilt wallpapers which come along with the skin.

18. Natural

Natural Rainmeter Skin is for nature lovers. I’m also a nature lover and currently using this Skin. It’s simple and delightful. Nature teaches us many things and only natural things can give us the ultimate joy and inside peace. We all do agree that modern wallpapers are just beautiful. But, original wallpapers do look amazing as well.

natural skin

If you’re looking for natural Rainmeter skin then there can be no perfect choice than Natural skin. The best thing about it is that all the widgets are designed according to the wallpapers which comes preloaded with it. Every single widget matches the wallpaper and looks supernatural. This skin is also counted as best Rainmeter clock Skins.

There are 2 music players, three versions of the weather forecast and two different visualizers available. This all makes your desktop super attractive and informational.

19. DesktopWidgets 1.2

DesktopWidgets 1.2 will satisfy all your need for gadgets and tools. Some PC users love to have a lot of widgets on their desktop. It doesn’t matter whether those are informative or useful, but desktop should look super high-end. If you’re just like those users, then you should prefer to use DesktopWidgets 1.2 skin. It offers an extensive range of tools and widgets which are customizable as well.

desktop widgets
You can see in the screenshot that the entire desktop is just full of information and graphs. It’s all because there are many customizable tools available. All of these can be placed anywhere on the screen. A user manual is also included with this skin. Audio spectrum visualizer, auto coloring, news on the screen, weather forecast, etc. are some of its features.

20. Wolf Tiles 1.2

Wolf Tiles 1.2 is something different you can use. Wallpapers come with it are designed very nicely and dedicated to Wolf according to its name. There are hundreds of boxes all over the screen which related to Tiles.

wolf tiled

That’s why its name is Wolf Tiles. Just like every single best Rainmeter skin, there are some statistics shown on the desktop like CPU, RAM, Drive etc.

So, it’s a mix of Art and Information, combine in one theme. If you’re looking for simple Rainmeter skins, opt into Wolf Tiles and you’ll feel better.

21. Blur Player 3

Blur Player 3 Skin is dedicated to music lovers. If you’re a music lover too then must give a try to this skin. It’s the most simple and cute theme to play the music. It supports different cool features which makes your music time much fantastic.blur player 2

Blurred album art makes the players very attractive in looks. It supports many music players like WMP, Spotify etc.

Users can turn on the auxiliary feature which displays album progress etc. Add/Remove noise and many other useful features can be seen in Blur Player 3.

22. Radiation VR1.1

Radiation VR1.1 represents the nuclear wallpaper and designs which we can generally see in movies. Have you ever wondered that what’ll happen if there’s a nuclear war between countries! Well, we can only imagine right! This theme is based on radiation concept, and preloaded wallpapers show the radiation warning. In fact, like all other simple Rainmeter skins, it supports widgets showing some statistics about the system and network.

radiation skin

There are 8 languages in total and users have the ability to modify font, colors, size of the fonts etc. There’s a configuration panel which allows users to modify the skin. Time, weather, number of files in recycle bin, battery, CPU like things are available.

All the statistics change every single second, showing you the real-time data. On the top right of the screen, there are a few icons displayed which are the shortcuts to the applications. Author has managed all the tools according to the wallpapers but customizations are available according to the needs.

23. Cathode Heating 1.0

Cathode Heating 1.0 skin is the powerhouse of modernization. It contains all the important tools and customizable widgets. If you’re using it on the laptop, there’s brightness control. You can control the brightness. There’s a little file viewer included with it which allows you to view files without opening the actual folder in file explorer.cathode heating

RSS reader can show you news from various websites. Just enter the valid source and enjoy all the news with ease. Search box gives us the ability to search throughout the hard drive.

If you want to show clocks on your desktop, then increase the size of clocks, analog, and AM/PM clocks are added. So, it’s one of the best choices if you’re looking for Rainmeter clock skins. Even the author has included a quote box, stay motivated by pasting some different and motivation quotes!

24. Stylish Music Player 1.1.2

Stylish Music Player 1.1.2 is for music lovers. Music is one of our best friend in life. Its ability to make us feel sad and to make us feel motivated is just amazing. Music is just connected with our emotions, and many people loved to hear a bunch of songs every single day.

You might also have some people in your life who have an amazing collection of songs with them. If you’re also a person who loved to hear songs, then try Stylish Music Player theme.stylish music player

There are four variants of Skins which come preloaded. Up to 27+ stylish wallpapers are also included in the pack. Not only good looking graphics but several controls are also available. Play, Pause, Next, previous, Volume Controlling and progress controllers are available.

25. Minimo For Rainmeter

Minimo For Rainmeter is best rainmeter clock skins so far. Have a look:

minimo simple rainmeter skin

This simple Rainmeter skin looks flat and unique. Minimo is one of the best choices for you if you don’t want advanced skins. It comes with a digital clock, some cool and delighting wallpapers.

26. MyGameCollection

MyGameCollection is one of the best rainmeter skins for gamers. We can add them to the skin, and the game’s wallpaper and icons will be displayed on the screen. A dynamic and simple dashboard comes with it where users can add all the custom icons related to the games.

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mygamecollection skin

So, next time when you want to spend time playing games, head over to desktop and select the game you want to play. It’s all right there on your desktop. The unique thing about the MyGameCollection is that it supports steam. Most PC users do have a steam account and usually purchase games from that store.

27. Skeleton VR1.1

Skelton VR1.1 is horror Rainmeter skin. You might have watched hundreds of movies and videos about human skeleton, hell, dragons, ghosts, and things like that. If you live such things, e.g. scary art then try out this theme. The wallpapers which come with it are just insane and amazing. It’s like the theme is baked from hell and sent to use it on Rainmeter.

It got all the important and useful functionality just like all other skins. CPU details (up to 16 cores), battery level, RAM and so on. But, the scariest and amazing thing is the design and fonts used to build it. All matches to each other and makes sense.

There’s a section on top of the screen where users can add the icons of the applications that they use very often. Weather-related information can also be shown using weather.com forecast.

28. Honeycomb

Honeycomb is the honey comb structure-based design. It’s basically a icons pack in which hundreds of icons are added related to different applications and games. All the most popular games and applications are added. You’ll see amazingly designed icons of Adobe products, Fortnite and Minecraft.honey comb skin

What’s special about this Rainmeter skin is that everything looks structural and you can manage all the icons as the way you want to. When you install and start using it, you’ll indeed enjoy the simplicity and design that has put into it.

The official pack doesn’t have many icons preloaded in it. But, many unofficial icons packs are available which guarantees almost every popular application/game icons.

29. Spotify Player

Spotify Player is built for every Spotify listener. There are thousands of people who listen to music using Spotify every single day. If you’re one of them then this skin is built for you. It comes with all the features which will make your Spotify experience very amazing. Spotify Player skin is totally synced with Spotify.spotify player skin

Many different color schemes are available and buttons just look great. Users can turn on/off Spotify, the song progress bar is synced, animation on buttons, album art, and detailed song details are shown. This all makes the user experience very rich and simple.

30. Desktop ++

Desktop++ is futuristic skin which guarantees the simplicity and all the advance looks you need. If we talk about the features, then you can clearly see in the image down below that it shows the very minimum amount of details like CPU usage and internet information details.

desktop ++
Wallpapers come with it are very good looking and cool. We can add new widgets to it just like all other skins. Weather, RSS feed (news or blog), Clock and music player etc. are supported. You can customize the looks as per your needs.

It’s built for big screens with good resolution, hence you might face problems if your screen size is small.

31. Notes ++

Notes ++ is my first choice when it comes to creating beautiful notes on the desktop. It can be your replacement for note. In note application, there are only a few designs and customizations.

But using Notes ++ we have more customizations and features added to it. It’s focused on creating notes and giving reminders to the users. This skin has received many positive reviews in a few days on Deviantart.

All the users are saying that it’s the best replacement to notes application for Windows users. It supports colored title background with some extra features like Transparency, Font size, and style. Give it a hands-on to know more about Notes ++ Rainmeter skin.

32. Flair 1.0

Flair 1.0 another one of the best Rainmeter clock skins. Simple design and some other PC related statistics included. Time/Date, CPU temp, CPU usage, RAM usage, and total Net Download, Net Upload details are shown with real-time updates.

Users who want their desktop to look very simple and classic should definitely prefer Flair 1.0 skin as their primary choice. There’s no control panel according to its author by the time now. But, if you still want some minimal changes, use its source files and do the changes as per needs.

33. Weather+ 1.2

Weather+ 1.2 is minimalist Weather skin for Rainmeter. People who are looking for minimalist Rainmeter skin should definitely download it right now. It shows very minimum information and is only limited to weather.

Current day forecast and next 3 days forecast are displayed on the desktop. Wallpapers which comes preloaded with it are a fine piece of art. There’s no need to enter the city code in order to get the forecast. Simple city search will work fine according to its author.

34. BioTech

Biotech is the skin which represents the biotechnology. If you’re into bio stream, you might find this skin useful. The user interface given to it is really self-speaking and shows some fine arts representing biotechnology.

All the elements on the screen are connected with each other in a tree-like structure. It’s just the way this is designed by the developer.

35. Lions VR1.1

Lion VR1.1 is for animal lovers and especially Lions. Its dedicated to Lions lovers and its wallpapers are designed perfectly. I loved the dock feature, it looks very attractive and I was able to add 8 icons to the dock.

Shadows can be seen behind the objects which makes it super cool. Text color, font size, and many other customizations can be done by the users. In fact, just like all other minimalistic Rainmeter skins, it does support monitoring widgets. You should give it a try and check if it meets your requirements or not.


We hope that you loved this list. We’ve tried to list all types of skins which will be loved by all types of people. e.g simple, full of tools & widgets, heavily informational and artistic.

All skins can be downloaded for free from Deviantart. More details are available on the download page. You can also read the tips and guides listed there by the official author. Don’t forget to drop your comments down below and share this article with your friends.

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