350+ A-Z Kali Linux Commands | PDF Download Included (2022 Edition)

Download Kali Linux Commands PDF for free. Learn 250+ best Kali Linux commands and increase your basic knowledge about Kali Penetration OS.

Kali is the very first choice of all the people related to ethical hacking and penetration testing. There are dozens of reasons behind it. One reason is that Kali comes preloaded with many useful tools used for penetration testing. We can access those tool’s interface via terminal using Kali Linux Commands.

Favorite penetration tools include NMAP, backtrack, MITM, etc. It matters a lot because there’s no need to download and install them. Hence, it’s also said that Kali is heaven for ethical hackers.kali linux commands with examples

We should have basic knowledge of Kali Linux commands. That’s because if we know about commands, it’ll become easy for us to perform the tasks using the terminal. We can even install Kali Linux on USB instead of installing it on HDD. It gives us full portability and power to boot on any machine.

250+ Kali Linux Commands In 2022

Here are all Kali Linux commands with examples. I’ve written down their operations e.g task to be performed once the command is executed.

S. No.Kali Linux CommandsFunction

From A

1.aproposGet Help Related Documents
2.apt-get Fetch Software Packages Directly From Internet
3.aptitudeIt can also be used to fetch software packages directly
4.aspellSpell Checker Command
5.awkUse to Find or Replace text

From B

6.basenameGet the directory and suffix from filenames
7.bashGNU Bourne-Again Shell
8.bcPrecision calculator language
9.bgSend items to background
10.breakExit the command or loop running
11.builtinRun shell builtin
12.bzip2Compress files to decrease their size Extraction/Compression

From C

13.calUsed to display current calendear
14.casePut conditions in commands like if then structure
15.catConcatenate and display data of files
16.cdBrowse through directories
17.cfdiskPartition table manipulator
18.chgrpChange ownership of group
19.chkconfigCheck system configuration
20.chmodChange the permissions
21.chownChange owner or group of files
22.chrootRun command on different directory
23.cksumPrint CRC and byte counts
24.clearClear all the things in terminal to start fresh
25.cmpCompare two files to get detailed difference
26.commUsed to compare two sorted files line by line in details
27.commandRun a command
28.continueCOntinue the loop/process
29.cpCopy files from one location to another
30.cronSchedule the commands to run at particular time
31.crontabSchedule command to run later at time
32.csplitBreak/Split files into two parts
33.cutDivide files into many parts

From D

34.dateDisplay current date and can also change it
35.dcShow desk calculator
36.ddCopy and convert a file
37.ddrescueData recovery pool command
38.declareDeclare your variables with ease
39.dfShow up free disk space on hard drive
40.diffDifference between two files
41.diff3Difference between 3 files
42.digGet DNS Details
43.dirShow all the directory details
44.dircolorsDirectory tree color change
45.dirnameFull pathname to a path
46.dirsDisplay recent directories
47.dmesgKernel and driver messages on screen
48.duFile space usage estimation

From E

49.echoDisplay message on screen
50.egrepFind all the files in which particular lines are contained
51.ejectUnplug external connected device
52.enableEnable and disable shell commands (builtin)
53.envEnvironment variables
54.ethtoolAdjust enternet card settings
55.evalEvaluate several commands/arguements
56.execExecute commands
58.expandTabs to spaces
59.expectAutomate arbitrary applications
60.exportSet env. variables
61.expr Evaluate exp.

From F

62.fdformatFormt a floppy
63.fdiskPartition table
64.fgSend task to foreground
65.fgrepSearch for lines that contains specific string/words
66.fileCheck file type
67.findFind files with some adjustments and criteria
68.fmtReformat paragraph
69.foldWrap text
70.forExpand words
71.formatFormat internal/external partitions
72.freeDisplay memory usage
73.fsckFile system consistency
74.ftpFile transport protocol to transfer files
75.functionDefine function
76.fuserIdentify/Kill the process accessing particular file

From G

77.gawkFind and Replace Text
78.getoptsParse parameters which are positional
79.grep Search files for lines in given pattern
80.groupaddAdd new user to group
81.groupdelDelete any group
82.groupmodUse it to modify group
83.groups Print groups you're in
84.gzipCompress files/folders

From H

85.hashRemember full path of the name argument
86.headFirst part of file
87.helpDisplay help of any command
88.historyHistory of all commands executed so far
89.hostnamePrint system name

From I

90.iconvConvert character set of the file
91.idPrint user or group ID
92.ifCreate if command structure
93.ifconfigShow network interface
94.ifdownStop network interface
95.ifupStart network interface
96.importCapture server screen and save

From J

98.jobsShow all active tasks
99.joinJoin lines on common field

From K

100.killKill a process from running
101.killallKill all the processes

From L

102.lessDisplay output of screen
103.letArithmetic shell
104.lnSymbolic link of the file
105.localCreate local variables
106.locateFind files at locations
107.lognamePrint login name
108.logoutExit login shell
109.lookDisplay lines
110.lpcLine printer control
111.lprOff line
112.lprintPrint file
113.lprintdAbort print
114.lprintqList print queue
115.lprmRemove print queue (Single Item)
116.lsList files in particular directory
117.lsofList of all the files which are currently open

From M

118.makeRecompible programs
119.manShow help manual
120.mkdirCreate new folders
121.mkfifoMake FIFOs
122.mkisofs CREATE iso9660/joliet/hfs filesystem
123.mknodMake character files
124.mmvMove and rename files in bulk
125.moreDisplay output in one screen at a time
126.mountMount the file system
127.mtoolsManipulate MS-DOS files
129.mvMove files and directories

From N

130.netstatCurrent network information
131.niceSet command priority
132.nlList number of lines
133.nohupRun command immune to hangups
134.notify-sendPush desktop notifications
135.nslookupName servers lookup

From O

136.opOperator access
137.openOpen particular file with application assigned to it

From P

138.passwdChange any user's password
139.pasteMerge files
140.pathchkCheck file path
141.pingPing any particular address
142.pkillStop process
143.popdRestore previous values of directory
144.prPrepare files for printing purpose
145.printcapPrint capability
146.printenvPrint environment
147.printfDisplay output
148.psProcess status
149.pushdSave & change current directory
150.pwdDisplay working directory

From Q

151.quotaDisplay quota
152.quotacheckCheck file for quota usage
153.quotactlSet disk quotas

From R

154.ramRam disk device
155.rcpCopy file from one computer to another
156.readRead a line
157.readarrayRead the array
158.readonlySet file type to readonly to give restrictions
159.rebootReboot computer
160.remsyncSynchronize remote files
161.renameRename files
162.reniceAlter priority
163.returnExit function
164.revReverse line
165.rmRemove files
166.rmdirRemove the folders
167.rsync Sync file trees

From S

168.scpSecure copy
169.screenMultiplex the terminal
170.sdiffCombine two files interactively
171.sedStream editor
172.selectAccept the kwyboard input
173.seqPrint sequences
174.setManipulate shell variables
175.sftpSecure FTP connection
176.shiftShift the parameters which are positional
177.shoptDisplay shell options
178.shutdownShutdown computer
179.sleepPut computer to sleep
180.slocateLocate files
181.sortSort the files
182.sourceRun commands from the file
183.splitBroke files into justified parts
184.sshLaunch remote login program
185.straceTrace calls and signals
186.suSubstitute user identity
187.sudoExecute command as another user
188.sumPrint checksum of file
189.suspendSuspend execution of file
190.symlinkMake new name for file
191.sync Sync the data

From T

192.tailDisplay last part of any file
193.tarTape Archiver (Compress Files)
194.teeRedirect output to multiple files
195.testEvaluate conditional expression
196.timeDisplay time
197.timesUser and system times
198.topList of top services running in computer
199.touchTo change file timestamps
201.tracerouteTrace back to host
202.trapRun any particular command when signal is set
203.trueNo action
204.tsortTopological sorting
205.ttyPrint terminal on stdin filename
206.typeDescribe any command

From U

207.ulimitPut limits on user resources
208.umaskFile creation mask
209.umount Unmount the device
210.unaliasAlias removal
211.unameDisplay system information
212.unexpandSpace to tabs
213.uniqUniquify the files
214.unitsConvert units from scale
215.unsetRemove variable
216.unsharUnpack shell archive scripts
217.untilUntil condition
218.uptimeDisplay uptime of machine
219.useraddAdd new user
220.usermodModify existing user
221.usersDisplay all the users
222.uudecodeDecode a file created by uuencode
223.uuencodeBinary files encode

From V

224.vList directory contents (`ls -l -b’)
225.vdirList directory contents (`ls -l -b’)
226.viDefault text editor
227.vmstatDisplay Virtual memory statistics

From W

228.waitWait till process is complete
229.watchPeriodically display a program
230.wcDisplay byte, word, and line counts
231.wgetGet files (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP supported)
232.whereisSearch path etc.
233.whichSearch path for program
234.whileConditional statement
235.whoPrint all users which are currently logged in
236.whoamiShow current user profile
237.write Send message to other user.

From X

238.xargsUtility, passing constructed argument lists execution
239.xdg-openOpen file/url using default program

From Y

240.yesPrint string until any obstacle
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These are all the Kali Linux commands you can use inside the terminal. I’ve executed all the commands using Kali, and they perform many important tasks.

Keep this in mind that these commands are related to the inbuilt function of OS. If you’ve installed 3rd party software, make sure to check its documentation for the commands. You can only access the OS’s inbuilt functions using the codes listed above in the table.

Kali Linux Commands List PDF Download

Interested people can download an offline copy of these commands. Now there’s no need to visit this page again and again. Click on the Download button and save the PDF locally on your device.


Almost all the Kali inbuilt commands are listed in this article. They can be used to perform some important task and to change inbuilt system settings as well. I’ve also suggested above that these codes aren’t related to the third party applications but the OS itself.

If you’ve some other interesting commands which aren’t listed in this article, then feel free to drop them in the comment section, and I’ll add them into the article. Don’t forget to share this information with your friends who take interest in penetration testing.

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