Home / pywin32
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
Build 222 2018-01-20
Build 221 2017-03-29
Build 220 2016-01-11
Build 219 2014-05-04
Build 218 2012-10-29
Build 217 2012-02-12
Build216 2011-03-05
Build 215 2011-02-21
Build 214 2009-07-08
Build 213 2009-02-16
Build 212 2008-07-31
Build 211 2008-05-31
Build 210 2006-09-23
Build 209 2006-08-06
Build 208 2006-04-17
Build 207 2006-01-11
Build 206 2006-01-10
Build 205 2005-10-24
Build 204 2005-04-12
Build 203 2004-10-11
Build 202 2004-07-02
Build 201.1 2004-04-26
Build 200 2004-02-12
README.txt 2012-10-29 1.6 kB
Totals: 24 Items   1.6 kB 1,116
Welcome to the downloads for pywin32.

The SourceForge file system is horrible, making it very painful to 
locate the latest build - please follow the instructions below.
To download pywin32:

* Select the "Browse All Files" link, then navigate to the "pywin32"
  folder and select the latest available build (currently Build 218)

* Select the installer executable for your system.  Note that there 
  is one download package for each supported version of Python - 
  please check what version of Python you have installed and 
  download the corresponding package.

Some packages have a 32bit and a 64bit version available - you must download
the one which corresponds to the Python you have installed.  Even if you have
a 64bit computer, if you installed a 32bit version of Python you must install
the 32bit version of pywin32.

To determine what version of Python you have, just start Python and look at the
first line of the banner.  A 32bit build will look something like:

  Python 2.7.2+ ... [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32

While a 64bit build will look something like:

  Python 2.7.2+ ... [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

If the installation process informs you that Python is not found in the 
registry, it almost certainly means you have downloaded the wrong version -
either for the wrong version of Python, or the wrong "bittedness".

A changelog can be found at http://pywin32.hg.sourceforge.net/hgweb/pywin32/pywin32/raw-file/tip/CHANGES.txt
Source: README.txt, updated 2012-10-29